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New Arrivals

Explore our newest arrivals to find the perfect addition to your home or a special gift for a loved one. From dining room sets to wall art, Tanagra provides a range of luxury products that are sure to fit your style. Browse our full selection of new arrivals to find the perfect item for you. Shop now and make your home stand out from the rest.
Explore our newest arrivals to find the perfect addition to your home or a special gift for a loved one. From dining room sets to wall art, Tanagra provides a range of luxury products that are sure to fit your style. Browse our full selection of new arrivals to find the perfect item for you. Shop now and make your home stand out from the rest.

New Arrivals

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8,075 AED
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69,550 AED
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17,180 AED
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3,025 AED
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Baobab Collection
850 AED
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Baobab Collection
4,160 AED
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1,150 AED
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9,800 AED
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Ralph Lauren Home
6,250 AED
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